I love you, sayang

I love you, sayang
Me and My Darling Wife, Lily

Friday, October 9, 2009

2nd customer!

Alhamdulillah dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Pengasih, we got our 2nd customer. The cute couples are Ina and Zack..thanks guys..wedding date is on the 22nd of November 2009. Actually lama dah dapat contract nie, tapi coz of busy tak sempat nak post in the blog..their pic?..will post up later.. so..what are we going to do today..yup gonna go to TAR and search for some stuff to prepare for the wedding..BIG QUESTION IS..SHOULD WE BUY A DIGICAM OR NOT....what has been completed so far are baju for the both of them..the rest is in progress..